
English-Filipino phrasebook for tourists

Phrases that will surely come in handy when traveling to the Philippines.

Philippine phrasebook with pronunciation will come in handy for all tourists who do not intend to sit out their entire vacation in hotels, and want to visit as many islands in the Philippines.

With the help of English-Filipino phrasebook, you can learn the basic phrases of the local dialect, which will certainly be useful when communicating with airport staff, in conversation with cab drivers or local bus drivers, as well as to buy something in the store.

Every local will be pleasantly surprised to hear a tourist speaking their native language, so consider buying and learning a phrasebook of the Filipino language in advance. We suggest you learn useful phrases in Filipino that will help you feel more comfortable and confident in this country.

kamusta ka! - (hello!) how are you?

ikaw, kamusta ka? - how are you doing?

mabuti - good.

masama is bad.

salamat po - thank you!

walang anuman - you're welcome.

ako - me

ikaw (ka), mo - you.

natin - we, us.

silA - they

kamI - we

opo - yes

hindi - no

ingat - happily

c yah - see ya

magandang umaga! - good morning!

magandang gabi! - good evening!

dagat - the ocean, the sea

baybay - beach

masipag - energetic, diligent.


makita - find, see.

magkita - to see

magtanong - ask.

lalaki - male / masculine

babae - female / feminine

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