Romania sights

We have collected the main attractions of Romania - symbols that are inextricably associated with this country.

Modern Romania is not a country overgrown with forests and inhabited by vampires, but a developed European state, which in many things is not inferior to its nearest neighbors. Undoubtedly, the state conceals legends about mystical Prince Dracula, but the gothic component is not the whole country. Are you in doubt about what sights to see in Romania in the first place? We suggest you to familiarize yourself with the list of the main ones:

Bran Castle is perhaps the main attraction in Romania. It was erected in the 14th century and was thought to be the residence of Vlad Tepes, who hunted in its vicinity upon his arrival.

The Romanian Carpathians are a natural attraction in Romania, a description of which can be found in any guidebook. After all, in terms of size they are considered the second mountain range in Europe.

The largest administrative building in the world is the Parliament Palace, located in Bucharest. The building has an area of 350,000 m2 and consists of 12 floors and 4 underground levels.

The largest Gothic building in the country is considered to be the Black Church, which appeared in southeastern Transylvania in the 14th century.

Astra National Museum Complex is the name of Romania's largest open-air attraction. The architectural complex consists of 300 buildings and reflects the technological development of the state.

Pelesti Castle can be called the most beautiful architectural landmark in Romania. This neo-Renaissance palace consists of 160 rooms, each with exquisite furniture, sculptures, tapestries and a collection of paintings.

The Transfăgăraş highway was built in the 20th century between Wallachia and Transylvania. Today this road is recognized not only as the most winding, but also as the most scenic in the world.

The Biosphere Reserve in the Danube Delta is worth a visit for those tourists who want to see rare species of birds and animals, as well as bring a lot of incredibly beautiful photos from Romania.

Sclerisoara Cave is located at the top of the Carpathian Mountains. It consists of several halls that have religious names. It contains an underground glacier.

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