When to go to Romania

Planning a trip to Romania? Find out when is the best time to travel!

Don't know when is the best time to vacation in Romania? The tripmydream portal has the most reliable and comprehensive information about the climatic conditions in the country by month. Despite the fact that the weather in Romania is considered typical for Europe, it is greatly influenced by the proximity of the Carpathian Mountains, which in winter are long wrapped in a blanket of snow, and with the arrival of spring become the cause of frequent rains and high humidity.

The high season in Romania starts from the end of spring and lasts until the beginning of fall. If you come to the country during this period, you can combine your vacation with sightseeing, outdoor activities or beach vacations

Poiana Brasov, Romania

Peculiarities of vacationing in Romania in winter

Romania winter vacations should be planned with location in mind. Almost all of the country gets a lot of snow, which does not melt until spring. In the southern parts of Romania, the winter weather is slightly different. There are almost no frosts, and snow, if it does fall, melts quickly.

As for the Carpathian Mountains region, winters are harsher. January is the month when you'll least want to fly to Romania. The thermometer can drop to -10ºC.

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December vacations in Romania

January vacation in Romania

February vacation in Romania

spring, Romania

Romania spring vacation features

The weather in Romania in spring at the very beginning is practically the same as in winter. Only towards the end of April does it get warmer in the country. The air temperature in many regions warms up to +10ºC.

Holidays in Romania in spring can be marred by the fact that the likelihood of precipitation is very high. Only in May the weather conditions stabilize and there are ample opportunities to relax in nature and explore excursion routes. May is the best month when you should go to Romania for unforgettable impressions. You can enjoy the country's architectural, cultural and natural attractions.

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March vacation in Romania

April vacation in Romania

May vacation in Romania

summer, Romania

Romania Summer Vacation Features

Romania in summer is not only a rich sightseeing program, but also the warm Black Sea and unspoiled nature. Moreover, the weather in Romania in summer is considered the most suitable for a varied and emotion-filled vacation.

The hottest months of the year are July and August. With their arrival the air temperature warms up to +25ºC. The only inconvenience during this time is the many tourists who visit the state during the summer months with their families.

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June vacation in Romania

July vacation in Romania

August vacation in Romania

autumn, Romania

Romania's Fall Vacation Features

A vacation in Romania in the fall can be spent on the Black Sea coast, if you come here in September. It is not until October that the weather conditions start to deteriorate significantly. This is most noticeable in the Carpathian Mountains region. October to November are the months when you should not travel to Romania without an umbrella.

The weather in Romania in the fall varies greatly from region to region. For example, in the south-west of the country you can still swim in September, while in early October the first snowfalls are possible in the Carpathian region. With the arrival of November, snow covers almost the entire territory of Romania. The average temperature during this period reaches +12ºC.

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September vacation in Romania

October vacation in Romania

November vacation in Romania

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