The cost of accommodation in Negombo doesn't always correlate with the star rating of the property. For instance, a double room with breakfast at the five-star The Cove can be found for 102 USD per night, while a three-star Pledge 3 offers a half-board package at 225 USD. Similarly, the two-star Negombo Blue Villa Hotel may charge 225 USD, while the four-star Villa Araliya offers rates at 220 USD. In Negombo, accommodation prices are influenced by the packages and offerings provided by each establishment.
If you're seeking budget-friendly lodging in Negombo, consider exploring options along Lewis Place, where you'll discover various homestays and guesthouses catering to a wide range of budgets. You might be pleasantly surprised by how affordable staying in Negombo can be under such circumstances, with the most budget-friendly options starting at just 5 USD per person per night, often including breakfast. These can be akin to hostel stays, offering economical choices for travelers.