Cost of accommodation in Arosa

We can help you calculate an estimated budget for your trip to Arosa.

The seasonality of your trip, as well as the category of the hotel, is a major factor in determining the price of a room. For example, you can find cheap accommodation in Arosa in 2-star hotels or non-star apartments with their own kitchenette. Such a vacation will cost from 752-1033 EUR for 7 days, which in terms of national currency will be 815-1120 CHF.

If you want to find options with more comfort, then it's worth looking at three-star hotels. Prices in Arosa start from 1020-1825 EUR, equivalent to 1106-1978 CHF.

If your budget allows you not to wonder how much it costs to stay in Arosa and you have access to any offers, then it is better to choose high-level hotels. The 4 and 5 star hotels not only offer excellent service, but also a great location and will save you time on the way to the slopes. A week's worth of chic accommodation will cost between 2675 EUR and 3665 EUR, or CHF 2900-3974.

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