Restaurants and cafes in Chicago

Eateries with different price policy and cuisine for every taste. Chicago offers you all this.

Traditional American cuisine is not known for its fancy cooking. People here like to eat hearty, quick and inexpensive meals. That's why fast food rules. But you didn't come to the U.S. to go to McDonald's, did you? You can do it at home. Here are five great, inexpensive restaurants in Chicago that serve good fast food.

Portillo's Hot Dogs in the Gold Coast, near Lake Michigan. It's a classic 1950s-inspired roadside eatery. It serves mind-blowing sausages in batter with a variety of sauces and condiments.

Phil's Pizza in the Bridgeport neighborhood. It's a great place for a family vacation. This Chicago restaurant has garnered rave reviews from all pizza lovers. It is special here. Why? Come to Phil's Pizza and you will find out! We won't reveal all the secrets.

The Garden Café in the Museum of Art building. One of Chicago's best self-service cafes. You can order ready-made meals or choose a specific selection of food, from which something delicious will be prepared for you immediately.

Awake with Pearl Coffee in the South Loop Hotel. The prices in this Chicago cafe are as affordable as possible. The masses of locals rushing here for breakfast or lunch are proof of that. Order fish sandwiches, pancakes with maple sauce, and eggs with bacon.

BIG & little's on Mount Greenwood. The specialty of this Chicago restaurant is baked fish and chips. But many recommend trying the fish tacos and seafood sandwiches as well.

Have had enough of fast food and want to dine at one of Chicago's best European restaurants? Head to Alinea. This institution is among the ten most expensive restaurants in the United States. No wonder, because the dishes for guests are prepared by Grant Achatz himself - one of the best chefs in the world. Prices at this Chicago restaurant are exorbitant: an appetizer alone will cost 200 USD.

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