
How much does it cost to vacation in the USA

tripmydream has calculated how much it would cost to travel to the US.

The cost of a vacation to the USA is made up of airfare, accommodation in hotels in the country and meals. Perhaps it is difficult to find a time when the prices for tours to the USA are reduced - vacationers come here all year round, finding their own charm in each season. Therefore, prices for vacations to the USA are always quite high, starting from one of the most expensive visas in the world and ending with hotel rooms.

1. Airfare. Average airfare starts at 430 USD round trip.

2. Accommodation. The cost of one night in hotels while vacationing in the US starts at 50 USD. You can find cheaper options by staying in a hostel.

3. Meals. The average check in US restaurants ranges from 10 to 100 USD. In general, you can get cheaper meals by staying at inexpensive eateries or cooking your own meals.

On average, the price of a tour to the USA ranges from 900 to 2000 USD. Prices for hot tours to the US can be slightly lower. But not too significantly, as the popularity of traveling to America is virtually unabated at any time of the year.

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