
Walking routes in Vienna

The best and closest way to get to know the city is to explore Vienna on foot. Ideas for walking in the Austrian capital.

Walking routes in Vienna are the best way to get up close and personal with the city. To organize them, you can study the directions offered by guides, or you can use a map to mark interesting objects on your own and create your own route. Such routes in Vienna are good because you can take your time:

  • look into the courtyards and alleyways along the way;
  • sit in your favorite cafe with a cup of coffee;
  • stroll along the alleys of parks;
  • stay in a museum;
  • take a photo in a museum;
  • take a picture in any picturesque place;
Tourists walking around Vienna

But if you're short on time, Vienna's tried-and-true city walks, such as walks through the Old Town, the Vienna Ring or the palace and park complexes, are a great tip. In 2-5 hours (depending on the route) you can see many local sights, including castles, vineyards, greenhouses, monuments and other sites.

The longest tourist route in Vienna (the Vienna Green Belt circular route) is 120 kilometers long. If you pass it, you can get a special tourist badge.

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