Cambodia Attractions

We have collected the main attractions of Cambodia - symbols that are inextricably associated with this country.

The list of attractions in Cambodia goes beyond ancient temples and Buddhist shrines. It encompasses stunning natural parks, lakes, and jungles throughout the country. When planning your itinerary, consider your options carefully to make your trip both enriching and captivating. We have compiled a list of Cambodia's attractions to help you decide what to explore.

Angkor Wat Temple: The temple-city in Siem Reap is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and is considered one of Cambodia's top attractions. It is the largest cult building in the world. Only the central part consists of a complex three-level structure with many staircases and passages, and crowns it with five towers. In total, there are about 200 monuments on an area of more than 400 square kilometers.

Cambodia's Royal Palace: It is the only tall building in Phnom Penh's historic district and one of the most striking architectural structures in the kingdom's capital. It was built in 1866 by order of King Norodom, the great-grandfather of the country's current ruler. The location of the residence was chosen from the old city quarters, which were cleared and prepared for development.

The National Museum of Angkor in Siem Reap: A must-see for anyone traveling to Angkor Wat. Opened in 2007, it tells the story of the legendary Khmer Empire in an understandable and engaging way using all sorts of modern museum technology.

Toul Sleng Genocide Museum: Located in Phnom Penh, Bldg A, 350, it is one of the world's many horrifying testimonies to racial intolerance and the systematic extermination of people. It is housed in a former school, converted by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge into the S-21 Security Prison.

The Choeng Ek Death Fields: Together with the Thoul Sleng Genocide Museum, they form a single museum and memorial complex dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime. Prisoners were exterminated in Toeul Sleng prison and buried in the Fields of Death.

The National Museum of Cambodia: It is the most comprehensive and incredibly interesting collection of archaeological, historical, and cultural artifacts in Phnom Penh. The exhibition covers the most significant periods of the country's history, from pre-Angkorian times to the 15th century.

The Tonle Sap Lake: Located in Kampongchnang province, it is a major natural attraction in Western Cambodia. The largest lake in the country is named Tonle Sap and smoothly turns into a river of the same name. You can see floating villages of the locals here and visit them.

Preahvihea Temple Complex: It is one of the hidden and hard-to-find gems of Cambodia's tour program. Located on the border with Thailand on the edge of a 625-meter-high plateau, it has been the subject of territorial disputes between the two countries for years.

The Silver Pagoda (Emerald Buddha Pagoda): Located in Phnom Penh, the floor here is lined with solid silver bars, and valuable gifts to Cambodian kings from Eastern and European counterparts are displayed along the walls.

Wat Phnom Hill: The 27-meter-high forested hill remains the only natural elevation in Phnom Penh and one of the most popular walking spots for locals and tourists. In addition to a remarkable park, the arrangement of which can be traced back to Asian and French traditions.

Wat Ek Phnom Temple: It is a partially ruined 11th-century temple located 11 km north of Battambang city. It covers an area of 52 meters by 49 meters and is surrounded by the remains of a wall and an ancient barai, an artificial water tank. On the carved lintel of the doorway of the eastern entrance to the central temple is a bas-relief with the famous Hindu story of the Pakhtanya of the Milky Ocean.

Wat Banana: This temple is located 25 kilometers south of Battambang city and is a much more modest version of the famous Angkor Wat. It was built in the 10th century. Today, it is a popular spot for picnics and excursions.

Kamping Puoi: It is a huge hydraulic structure built during the Khmer Rouge era at the cost of tens of thousands of lives. It is a massive dam between two hills and a large reservoir, which remains important for irrigation to this day. It is located 35 kilometers west of Battambang.

What sights to see in Cambodia besides architectural and historical? Of course, Cambodia's national parks:

Bokor National Park: Located in southwestern Cambodia, it has 1,581 square kilometers of protected forests that are home to leopards, elephants, Asian black bears, fat lorises, pangolins, and others.

Virachey National Park: The largest in Cambodia, covering an area of 3,325 square kilometers. With an elaborate and varied system of hiking trails lasting from one to a week, it's a good place for outdoor enthusiasts.

Kirirom National Park: Known as the "Mountain of Joy," it is one of the most easily accessible, large, and scenic natural reserves in Cambodia, the country's first state national park. People come to Kirirom for its beautiful waterfalls, river rafting, and lake boat trips.

Ream National Park: Located 15km from Sihanoukville. The unspoiled beauty of relict forests, boat trips through mangroves, and long sandy beaches await guests.

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