How to get from the airport to Opatija?

If you are going to travel to Opatija on your own, explore all possible routes from the nearest airport to the tourist center of the city.

If you haven't arranged transportation with a tour operator or rented a car at the airport, you can reach Pula bus station to continue your journey by bus or taxi.

Taxis can be pre-booked or hired on the spot. The taxi fare typically includes a boarding fee of about 20 HRK and an additional charge of about 13 HRK for each kilometer traveled. It's also possible to agree to pay the fare in euros. In total, a taxi ride to the hotel will cost approximately 1000 HRK.

Opatija is accessible via the Zagreb - Rijeka - Pula railway line and the B8/E751 highway. The distance to Pula is 82 km, and to the Italian city of Trieste, it's 90 km.

For a cost-effective transfer from Pula Airport to Opatija, you can pre-book one here. The transfer cost depends on the number of passengers and the car's quality, with prices starting from 93 EUR per person.

If you arrive at Zagreb Airport, you can easily reach Opatija by rail. The fare for this journey is 150 HRK, and the travel time is just over 2 hours.

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