An ancient Roman settlement on the territory of Poreč existed 2000 years ago under the name of Parentium. Parentium received the status of a city during the reign of Octavian Augustus. The main feature is the unique location of the city. It is hidden in the depths of the bay and is covered by the island of St. Nicholas from the sea. Therefore, from early times Poreč was a very valuable and important port, which only grew over the years.
Throughout its rich history, Poreč has belonged to the Roman Empire, Venice, the Ostgoths, the Franks, and the Byzantines. It is easier to list those who have not left their imprint here. At the end of the XVIII century, the city joined the possessions of the Habsburgs, then fell under the control of Napoleon's army, and later again withdrew to Austria. Italy came after her, after the Second World War the town became part of Yugoslavia, and in 1991 - part of independent Croatia, which remains to this day. So history buffs will be delighted with a tourist trip to Porec.
Industry is practically not developed in the small town. But agriculture, fishing and, of course, tourism are developed. The quality of service is constantly growing, because this is the main source of income of the townspeople. And at the same time the cost of travel to Porec remains budget relative to European prices.