Public transportation in Poreč

The cheapest way to travel in Poreč is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City Transportation

The main public transportation in Poreč is the road train, which operates from early morning to late evening. The fare for this unique mode of transportation in Poreč is about 15 HRK.

Ticket Prices

If you happen to be in the city center after 10 pm, when the train has already returned to the depot, you can opt for another popular transportation option in Poreč - the water cab, which costs about 50 HRK.

For those who enjoy a healthy lifestyle, you can rent bicycles in Poreč and enjoy riding along the excellent bike paths along the coast, through villages, in forests, past fortress ruins, or chic villas. Along the route, you'll find plenty of benches where you can relax and admire the sea.

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