How much does a vacation in Finland cost

tripmydream has calculated how much a trip to Finland will cost.

The cost of a vacation in Finland is quite high. The cost of a tour to Finland depends on the style of vacation you choose.

Excursion tours can be found for 350-500 EUR, and small excursions within the cities usually cost quite a bit, around 50 EUR. Big excursion programs with measured rest cost higher, for such a tour you will pay 500-1000 EUR. From 800 EUR cost various ski programs and winter vacations. New Year holidays will cost you from 1200 EUR and more.

Prices for vacations in Finland include several areas of spending.

Flight to Finland will cost you 250-350 EUR.

Lodging is the second most expensive item. You can find comfortable and unusual hotels here, with rooms starting at 500 EUR per night. But there are also quite economical accommodation options. At the same time they will not seem modest, meeting all the requirements of neatness, convenience and comfort. For such accommodation in Finland you can pay around 80-150 EUR per night, especially if you book in advance.

Average check in a restaurant in Finland ranges from 40 to 100 EUR and depends on your needs. Of course, you can find cheaper options.

Transportation is relatively cheap. Read more about transportation in the this section of our website. On average, you'll pay from 10 EUR for tickets.

Prices for tours to Finland depend directly on the time of year. At the height of the summer sightseeing season and during the New Year holidays, they can soar twice as high. Prices for hot tours are dropping, so contact tripmydream and we'll find you the best Finland vacation.

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