Map of Arkashon

To get to know Arcachon better, check out its map.

When traveling to Arcachon for the first time, be sure to familiarize yourself with a detailed map of the city. The best option is an interactive map of Arkashon in Russian, which will allow you to quickly and accurately understand the intricacies of the city's streets.

Seasonal cities of Arkashon smoothly flow one into another, merge with the suburbs and neighboring famous resorts. Using Yandex interactive map service, you can specify walking routes, see where public transportation stops are located, and Arkashon map with hotels will be your guide when you return to your hotel.

Arcachon is divided into 4 districts, called towns after the seasons. The most famous district in the center of Arcachon is the Winter City (Ville d'hiver). This is the area of the oldest, most picturesque and rich villas, built back in the XIX century. The development of the area was started by the Pereira brothers, railroad magnates. Villa Toledo (1862), Villa Bremontier (1863), Villa Trocadero (1863-1864), Villa Gregcrostan (1882), Villa Alexandre Dumas (1895), Villa Iris (1925) deserve special attention. The famous Jean Eiffel started as an assistant architect on the construction of the villa in the Winter City.

The Arcachon Coast

The summer town is located directly by the sea. Here are the most popular hotels, villas for summer vacations. The proximity to the sea makes people who love beach vacations choose this area. From the central quarters of the city to the sea is only 7-10 minutes walk.

Choosing in which area of Arkashon is better to stay, you can focus only on your financial possibilities and the season of your vacation. Remember that the fall-winter period is famous for storms, so choose accommodation in the Winter City, away from the damp chilly breeze.

Arkashon Panorama

Note that Arcachon is a city of respectable bourgeois, so you can rest and walk around the city in complete peace without fear of getting into a dangerous neighborhood.

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