A vacation in Arcachon is a sign of good taste and wealth. It is also a great opportunity to plunge into the world of provincial France and feel like a real French bourgeois for a small price.
Reviews of tourists who have been on vacation in Arkachon, emphasize its tranquility, discreet appeal and stylishness. Do not do without enthusiastic dithyrambs about the splendor of the nature of this region.
Let's try to estimate approximately how much it costs such a vacation. If you decide to buy, for example, "Oyster tour" in Arcachon, its cost for 7 days will be from 780 EUR per person.
But if you decide to go to Arkashon on a romantic trip at your own risk, then you need to consider the cost of flight, visa, transfer, food and entertainment. According to the most modest calculations, a vacation for two people in a 3-star hotel will cost you about 2500 EUR.