Map of Dusseldorf

To find your way around Düsseldorf quickly, be sure to use the map. We will tell you about the main districts of the city.

Getting acquainted with the city is much easier when you have a map of Düsseldorf in your hands. You can obtain it at the special tourist office.

For quick orientation in a series of similar streets, it's advisable to buy a map of Düsseldorf in Russian in advance at the airport. With its help, you will easily find the Goethe Museum and the television tower, and you won't miss any art galleries.

If you haven't decided on your accommodation yet, it's better to download a map of Düsseldorf with hotels. There are around 300 different hotels, hostels, and apartments in the city, so you will have plenty of options to choose from.

But first, you need to understand which districts of Düsseldorf are most suitable for accommodation and offer the most peaceful atmosphere in the city. So, tourists who have visited the city multiple times have compiled their ranking of the best neighborhoods to live in Düsseldorf. It is led by two districts on the Left Bank of the Rhine - Oberkassel and Niederkassel.

For those who want to be in the heart of the action, they should look for districts in the center of Düsseldorf - Altstadt and Stadtmitte. The first is the historical center of the city with a unique collection of attractions from various eras. The latter boasts an authentic Japanese quarter located in its vicinity.

If you are on a budget trip and looking for a cheaper neighborhood to stay in Düsseldorf, then the airport area is the answer. It is a safe district with plenty of decent hotels and restaurants in the vicinity.

Düsseldorf city map is divided into 61 districts. It includes cozy suburbs, bustling city center, and magnificent historical parts of the city. Choosing a place to stay will not be a problem for tourists.

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