Düsseldorf routes

The best way to get to know the city is by walking around it. Here you will find some good routes for such a walk.

Exploring the city can be an endless endeavor. Simply changing walking routes in Düsseldorf and discovering new attractions each time. For example, while walking near the television tower, be sure to notice the modern building of Frank O. Gehry.

Walking routes in Düsseldorf should be planned along the Rhine River to enjoy the beauty of the evening promenade. It is a must to see the Church of St. Lambertus and the city's symbol, the Radschleger, a man turning a wheel. And how can one overlook Düsseldorf Castle?

Particularly noteworthy is the tourist route in Düsseldorf that passes through the Neanderthal Park. The untouched beauty of the pristine nature is truly captivating. At any moment, you may encounter a wild horse or a majestic bison emerging from the forest. The first route, only 500 meters long, is perfect for beginners and concludes with a visit to the cave where prehistoric remains were discovered. The second trail stretches for a whopping 8 km, during which you'll learn fascinating facts about the "Ice Age Game Reserve."

When planning walking routes in Düsseldorf, it's essential to consider your interests. Those who come to the city for shopping should head to Königsallee, where boutiques of famous designers can be found. For tourists looking for more affordable options, Shadowstrasse offers quality items at more reasonable prices.

Separate walking routes in Düsseldorf can also be designed around local pubs. It is a must to taste the varieties of "alt" beer with a pork knuckle in several establishments throughout the city.

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