Accommodation for tourists in Düsseldorf

The average cost of living in Dusseldorf hotels of different categories and inexpensive hostels. Check prices and decide where to stay.

It's time to calculate: how much does accommodation in Düsseldorf cost in order to estimate a rough budget for your future trip? Your stay in the city can be fully tailored to your budget if you have the desire!

Affordable accommodation in Düsseldorf is available in two to three-star hotels or hostels. Renting rooms of this type will cost around 300 EUR for 5 days. In some cases, breakfast may already be included in this price.

The cost of accommodation in higher-level hotels in Düsseldorf, such as four-star hotels, will be more expensive. For a 5-day stay, prices start from around 400 EUR.

Luxury accommodation in Düsseldorf is priced starting from 1100 EUR. It's a significant amount, but for that price, you'll get a luxurious room in a 5-star hotel with a view of the Rhine. You'll agree that such a pleasure is worth the price.

For tourists, accommodation in Düsseldorf can be completely free if you find a suitable option through couchsurfing. It provides an opportunity to experience a new culture, exchange opinions, and enjoy a wealth of emotions. Germans are willing to host travelers from other countries for free. They will provide insights on where to go, what to try, and must-visit places.

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