
The cost of living in Frankfurt am Main

Average room rates in Frankfurt am Main hotels of different categories and inexpensive hostels. Check prices and decide where to stay.

If you have firmly decided to visit this corner of Germany, it's essential to calculate the cost of accommodation in Frankfurt. It depends on the category of the hotel and the season of your trip. Renting a bunk bed in a hostel for a week will cost around 120 EUR, while a private room in the same hostel will be priced similarly to a hotel room, around 315 EUR.

Affordable accommodation in Frankfurt is available in hotels with a 3-star rating or lower. You should budget around 450 EUR for renting a room for two.

For travelers with an unrestricted budget, luxury accommodation in Frankfurt is available. These are apartments in 4 and 5-star hotels. Such luxury will cost you between 700 EUR and 1280 EUR. But even that is not the limit.

The cost of accommodation outside of Frankfurt, where you can find luxurious lofts or historic villas, starts at 1540 EUR.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the prices for accommodation in Frankfurt are not the cheapest. Affordable options are scarce and require extensive searching. Additionally, 3-star hotels do not always live up to their claimed standards and may not meet the expected level of service for their category.

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