Nuremberg weather

We recommend the best time to travel to Nuremberg.

If you have ever been to the capital of Germany, you will notice the similarity of the climate between Berlin and Nuremberg: a relatively comfortable winter with temperatures slightly above zero and warm summers.

The most favorable time to visit is from late spring to early autumn. During this period, the weather in Nuremberg is mostly sunny for 14 days. In summer, the weather forecast in Nuremberg rarely predicts rain, and the temperature reaches around 20°C.

Spring, Nuremberg Weather

Do you want to visit the city during the warmest time? Wait for July-August and check the weather forecast in Nuremberg for 5 days. Most likely, the thermometer will consistently show around +19-23°C.

Do you feel great in the conditions of a mild European winter? Check the weather in Nuremberg for the week leading up to the New Year holidays. During this time, the city is especially magical and festive!

Whenever you plan to visit the city, check the weather in Nuremberg for 3 days to choose your wardrobe accordingly.

Christmas holidays, Nuremberg

When is the best time to visit Nuremberg?

The tourist season is considered to be from mid-May to the end of September when the weather is comfortable and precipitation is rare. From October to April, it is generally cheaper to visit Nuremberg.

During the "off-season," we exclude the Christmas and New Year holidays. During this time, there are many tourists, and accordingly, all services are more expensive. However, if you enjoy the European Christmas fairytale atmosphere, don't hesitate to visit Nuremberg. It will be unforgettable!

If you love warm weather, carnival festivities, and concerts under the open sky, then proudly announce to your friends, "I'm going to Nuremberg in the summer!"

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