Agios Nikolaos Weather

When is the best time to travel to Agios Nikolaos? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Hot summer with bright sunshine and warm sea - the Mediterranean climate of the Greek coast will please lovers of beach vacations. The weather forecast in Agios Nikolaos in summer will please with the mark +25-35 ° C. August is the hottest month, and sometimes, requesting the weather forecast for three days in Agios Nikolaos, you can see the mark above +35 ° C. So, if your body will be happy with the weather in Agios Nikolaos, you will be able to enjoy the weather in the summer. Therefore, if your body is not friendly with heat, it is better to come on vacation in the first half of summer.

Agios Nikolaos, Crete

The weather in Agios Nikolaos for 14 days is not prone to sudden changes, for example, in April forecasters promise +16-22 ° C. In May, the air temperature rises to +28°C, and you can safely go on a trip without worrying about the weather forecast for Agios Nikolaos for a week.

In winter, the thermometer outside the window will show +11 ° C, which is not comparable to the harsh winters of our land. Except that the weather forecast in Agios Nikolaos for 5 days can upset you with frequent rains.

Agios Nikolaos - Crete, Greece

When is it cheaper to go to Agios Nikolaos

The weather is warm and sunny from late April to early May. At this time, the water is already warming up well, and sunbathing on the Greek coast will be incredibly beneficial. It is also a good idea to travel to Agios Nikolaos in early summer. Prepare yourself for a very hot August, with thermometers sometimes hitting +35°C, so if the heat isn't for you, you may want to hold off on traveling at this time.

View of autumn Agios Nikolaos

Should I go to Agios Nikolaos in the fall? Only at the beginning of the season, as water and air temperatures do not fall below +20°C until mid-October. In November and winter you can visit the city, if you are interested in: when to go to Agios Nikolaos cheaper. After all, in the rainy season in December prices are much lower and the city is deserted.

When it is better to go on vacation is up to you, and we advise you to put your bosses in front of the fact: "I'm going to Agios Nikolaos" and book the best dates for a vacation.

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