Prices for accommodation in Hévíz will depend on the location of the hotel, the services available on the premises and the level of comfort. If you are interested in cheap accommodation in Hévíz, it is best to stay in an apartment or a budget mini-hotel. In this case a 5-day stay can cost 92,000 HUF.
If you need to know the cost of staying in 3-star hotels in Heviaz, you will need to pay about 26,600 HUF per night. A night's stay in 4-star hotels can go up to 50,000 HUF. The most basic room in a 5-star hotel will cost 60,000 HUF.
Knowing how much it costs to stay in Heviaz, you should prioritize spa hotels. In this case, in addition to a comfortable room, you will get free access to thermal pools and other privileges.