Not only are Reykjavik accommodation prices high, but they also increase during the peak tourist season. The cost of accommodation in Reykjavik in three- or four-star hotels is not significantly different. In both cases, it starts from about 13,000-14,000 ISK. Please note that the price is usually not per room but per bed. So, if you check into a double room for two people, you should be prepared to pay for each bed.
Accommodation for tourists in Reykjavik is available in budget-friendly hotels and hostels, including even some farm hostels. In the case of farm hostels, you'll typically get a room with a bed, bathroom, and TV, but not much more, and it will cost around 4,000 ISK.
Budget accommodation in Reykjavik is also offered by a network of farmers' accommodations. These accommodations have rooms categorized from I to IV. Category IV includes small rural hotels, while Category I offers hostel-like rooms with shared bathroom facilities. When comparing the cost of staying in Reykjavik in a hotel versus a farm accommodation, it can be challenging to determine which is cheaper. However, staying at farms adds a unique experience. Additionally, you can purchase a voucher for the duration of your vacation on the farmers' association website and use it to visit several different farms.
In the summer, you can stay at a dedicated campground for approximately 4,000 ISK.