How much does it cost to vacation in Reykjavik

We calculated how much it would cost to travel to Reykjavík.

Reykjavik vacation prices

Before planning a trip to Iceland's capital, you should have a rough idea of how much it costs for a vacation in Reykjavik. A vacation to Reykjavik typically consists of the cost of a visa, flights, accommodation, and meals. So, the entry documents will cost about 5 thousand ISK, and the flight will cost at least 81 thousand ISK.

Prices for a holiday in Reykjavik in 3-4 star hotels will average around 13-14 thousand ISK per person per night. A holiday for two people in Reykjavik will cost twice as much, as hotel room prices are per bed. Dinner in a mid-level restaurant will cost an additional 2 thousand ISK. You can explore the city's attractions on your own, but taking a tour will cost at least another 5,800 ISK. According to reviews, a vacation in Reykjavik is well worth the money.

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