How much does it cost to stay in Bormio

We can help you calculate an approximate budget for your trip to Bormio.
The answer to the question "how much does it cost to stay in Bormio" depends on the season you are planning to go in, low season or high season, and on the level of comfort you prefer. In some hotels in Bormio you can easily find accommodation starting at 45 EUR per person per night. For example at the Hotel Albergo Baita Clementi which is close to the historic centre of Bormio and within walking distance of the ski lifts. If you want to stay closer to the picturesque slopes in a cosy hotel, the Alpi & Golf Hotel offers rooms starting from 89 EUR. If you prefer apartments in Bormio, the price starts from 100 EUR. An example of such a secluded retreat is Casa Reby, where you can have breakfast on the open veranda and enjoy mountain views. To find a cheap accommodation in Bormio, it is worth referring to the relevant section of our service.

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