Public transport in Terracina

The cheapest way to get around in Terratina is by public transport. Find out all about the city's transport connections and ticket prices.

City Transport

Transportation in Terracina and its surroundings includes railway, taxis, rental cars, or intercity buses. Here are some tips regarding transportation for tourists planning to visit Terracina. There is no city transport in Terracina, except for taxis, as the city is relatively small. However, you might be interested in details about intercity travel options.


The most popular means of transportation for reaching the city is likely by bus. All major bus companies are part of the IBus transport alliance.


In Italy, there are 9 types of trains, some more expensive than others. For instance, Interregionale and Regionale trains are cheaper, but they often experience delays or make stops along the way.

Intercity trains run more regularly, and the carriages are divided into rows of six seats, which may not be the most comfortable option for sitting. However, your seat will be guaranteed as indicated on your ticket. Reserved seats are also available on trains like TBiz, Eurostar Italia, Intercity Plus. Many trains have power outlets as well. If you plan to travel extensively, consider purchasing a Trenitalia card. With this card, you can travel on selected days. Additional fees (ranging from 5 to 25 EUR) will apply for travel on TBiz, Eurostar Italia, Intercity Plus, and Intercity trains.

Ticket Purchase for Train Travel

Train stations can be crowded, so it's best to arrive early to buy tickets. Fare dodging is not an option as Italian trains have conductors, and the fines for ticketless travel can be quite high. Tickets should be validated before boarding, and there are special machines on the platforms for this purpose (Convalida).


Taxis can be ordered by phone, which you can get from your hotel, the train station, or a bar. The taxi fare includes the driver's arrival expenses. Taxis in Italy have various fare components: starting fare, luggage fee, night surcharge, etc. Each taxi has a sign with a detailed description of services and fares in English. Taxi prices in Terracina are relatively high, but if you need to get from the bus station to your hotel in the evening, you can find affordable options within the range of 8–10 EUR.

From the port in Terracina, you can take a ferry to the islands of Ventotene (once a week) and Ponza (daily).

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