How much is a vacation in Verona

We can help you plan your trip budget.

After a brief overview of the approximate prices, it's easy to make a preliminary estimate of the cost of a vacation in Verona.

The main expense category is accommodation. The price range (economical option) varies from 16 to 100 EUR per person per day (from a hostel to a decent hotel). For 5 days, the cost ranges from 80 to 500 EUR (if it's a vacation for two in Verona, the amount would be 160-1000 EUR accordingly).

You shouldn't have any problems with dining in Verona as there are plenty of cafes, restaurants, and grocery stores available. On average, a lunch for two at a modest cafe will cost around 30 EUR. If you choose to cook for yourselves (in a hostel's shared kitchen or a rented apartment's kitchen), you can reduce this amount by 2-3 times (depending on your menu).

Calculate the daily amount considering breakfast, lunch, and dinner (although breakfast may be included in the hotel room price). In upscale establishments, be prepared for bills starting from 150 EUR.

Since you can get around Verona on foot, you can minimize transportation expenses. Additionally, there is an opportunity to save money by purchasing a tourist card for 20 EUR (per person) or using passes for public transportation. However, you will definitely have to spend money on the airport transfer (approximately 20 EUR for two people round trip).

When planning your stay in Verona, take into account the prices of entrance tickets to museums. On average, it's around 4-5 EUR per person. So, if you have at least 10 attractions on your list, you should budget an additional 100 EUR for them.

In general, as reviews show, it is entirely possible to have a decent vacation in Verona at any level, from budget-friendly options (around 500-600 EUR for 5 days for two people) to VIP experiences.

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