Weather in Verona

The weather in Verona is pleasant all year round, but we have prepared detailed information about all the seasons. It's up to you to choose.

If you check the weather forecast for Verona, you will see that there is a fairly comfortable temperature here throughout the year.

The hottest months are July and August. During this time, daytime temperatures can rise above +30°C, with an average temperature of +28°C. The daytime heat and high humidity (due to the evaporation from nearby Lake Garda) are replaced by comfortable temperatures of around +18°C in the evening.

If your trip falls in winter, the weather in Verona for a week in January can indicate a cooling down to 0°C, sometimes even lower. However, generally from December to February, the thermometer hovers around +5°C during the day.

The most pleasant weather conditions are provided by spring and autumn. For example, the weather in Verona for 5 days in May usually promises comfortable +22°C, and in September, the weather forecast in Verona for 3 days is even more favorable — +23-24°C.

For those who are traveling to this city from April to July, as well as in October-November, it is worth being prepared for abundant and prolonged rains. While it's raining (for an hour or two), you can pass the time in a cozy local café.

Every season has its advantages, so if you have a vacation coming up, check the weather in Verona for 14 days - and pack your bags confidently.

When is the best time to visit Verona? The "high" season here is considered to be summer when the heat sets in and it's vacation time. The tourist peak is from July to September. During this time, it is recommended for those who are not afraid of the heat and high prices, as well as those who dream of attending the local Shakespearean and jazz festivals (July).

If you are interested in when it is cheaper to visit Verona, pay attention to early spring and winter months. In December, you can enjoy the Christmas market. From the end of January and throughout February, there are sales in local stores and numerous costume carnivals dedicated to lovers. In April, you can witness grand Easter celebrations here.

From June to September, the opera and wedding seasons take place in Verona. Some tourists come to enjoy the opera art, while others write on their social media pages, "Congratulations to me, I'm going to Verona to get married in the city of Romeo and Juliet!"

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