
General information about Penang Island

Briefly about the main thing: the past and present of the resort.

The north-west coast of the Malacca Peninsula, where Penang Island is located, is washed by the waters of the Andaman Sea. The island is located just a few kilometers from the coast and is connected to it by a bridge. Penang is both an island and a state of Malaysia. It would be more correct to pronounce the name of the island as the natives pronounce it - Pinang, but in the Russian-speaking sphere the name Penang has taken root, as we will call it. Tourists mostly refer to Penang as an island and vacation destination, not as a state of Malaysia.

The capital of the island and the state is the city of Georgetown, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Note, almost the entire territory of the island is well developed and inhabited. The population of Penang today is predominantly Chinese, also live on the island Malays and Indians. The island has the highest population density in Malaysia - 2457.33 people per km². The population of Georgetown is about 400,000.

A panorama of Penang's capital George Town at night

The island was first discovered by Chinese navigators in the 15th century and named Ka-Satu ("First Island"). Later, after noticing the abundance of areca palms growing on the island, the island was named Pulau Pinang ("Areca Palm Island")

The history of Penang Island began in the late 18th century. Until 1786, the island was uninhabited until the East India Company decided to organize its trade mission. Thus, Penang became the first possession of the British in the archipelago of Malaysia. The capital of Penang, Georgetown, was founded in 1786, and in 1802 the Armenian natives Sarkisian brothers opened the first hotel on the island.

Beach on Penang Island

To attract settlers to the island, the British promised to give everyone as much land as they could clear from the jungle. The population began to grow rapidly. Today the official language of the state is Malay, Chinese and English are also spoken. The official religion is Islam, there are also adherents of Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism and Protestantism. The basis of the economy of Penang today - tourism, electronic industry and agriculture. The port of Penang is a transportation hub linking Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

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