Public transportation in Riviera Maya

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City Transportation

Mexico boasts excellent infrastructure, with well-maintained roads. Public transportation operates punctually. In the Riviera Maya, you'll find shuttle buses known as "collectivos," offering fixed fares of 25 MXN. These collectivos cover routes connecting all the beaches in the Riviera Maya and stop on request.

Another popular transportation option in the Riviera Maya is taxis. It's often more convenient to use cabs, as you won't need to adhere to public transportation schedules. Taxi prices in Mexico are fixed.

Taxi Fares

A short ride within a small town will cost just over 50 MXN. Taxis are typically yellow but may also be white with a green stripe in the Riviera Maya. Don't forget to tip when using transportation in the Riviera Maya; it's one of the few tourist tips worth following.

If you plan to travel to other parts of Mexico, consider taking buses. They are modern, comfortable, and equipped with air conditioning. You can find schedule information at bus stations in the cities.

In addition to land-based public transportation, the Riviera Maya offers a ferry service connecting Playa del Carmen with the island of Cozumel.

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