Weather in Riviera Maya

When is the best time to go to Riviera Maya? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The Yucatan Peninsula lies between 18' and 22' north latitude and 87' and 92' west longitude. Almost the entire area is flat terrain at sea level, covered with forests of thorny shrubbery. Riviera Maya occupies a worthy place in the succession of resorts on the Yucatan Peninsula. The resort's popularity is also due to its excellent, almost perfect climate.

The weather forecast in Riviera Maya is favorable almost all year round. From November to April, water and air temperatures are almost equal and hover around the +30°C mark.

May is the start of the traditional tropical rainy season. The weather in Riviera Maya during this period is characterized by instability. It can rain mainly at night and last for 3-5 days.

Riviera Maya

November marks the beginning of the most favorable season to visit Riviera Maya. The weather becomes much more comfortable. There are no rains, strong waves, or winds for a whole week. A standard tour to Riviera Maya for 14 days will be favorable during this period and will please you with beautiful weather.

When going on vacation to Riviera Maya, be sure to ask about the weather forecast for the next 3 days so that you can acclimatize comfortably.

Deciding to travel to another hemisphere is a big decision that should only be made after carefully weighing up the pros and cons. You can proclaim all you want: "I'm going to the Riviera Maya!", but unless you have the financial means to do so, your dream is unlikely to come true.

As we've already said, vacationing in this Mexican resort can't be classified as cheap. Budget vacations in the Riviera Maya are considered by Americans, but not by residents of Eastern Europe.

When is the cheapest time to go to Riviera Maya? You can save money on your trip by choosing budget tours or making your own preparations. First of all, prices start to drop when the rainy season arrives.

Riviera Maya

But the most magnificent experience can be had during the high tourist season, from November to April, when it's best to go to Riviera Maya.

For diving, the best time to visit the coral reefs of the Riviera Maya is from December to March, when the water in the Caribbean Sea is the clearest and most transparent. The sea itself is particularly calm during this period.

But those who want to experience an authentic Mexican festival should look for tickets in winter or spring.

Beach weddings are becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, the wedding season in the resort starts in spring and lasts until October.

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