Weather in Kotor

When is the best time to go to Kotor? We tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the desired dates.


The best time to say to yourself, "I'm going to Kotor!" is summer. - is summer. From June to September you can splash in the gentle waves of the Mediterranean Sea and sunbathe under the warm summer sun. The average air temperature is +26-29°C during the day and +16-19°C at night. The sea warms up to +21-25°C. The weather in Kotor for 14 days is usually sunny and warm.

Early morning on the beach of Kotor


Autumn is the best time for tourists, not only for beach vacations, but also for walks through the fabulous Montenegrin forests and informative excursions. In September and early October, the weather in Kotor for a week is as sunny and warm as in the summer. The average air temperature at this time is still summer - +26°C, the water is also warm - +23°C.

Some tourists continue to swim in October, when air and water temperatures are almost equalized: the average air temperature is +21°C and water temperature is +20°C. In November, the rains begin and last until early February.

Bay of Kotor in winter time


Worth traveling to Kotor in winter? Despite the fact that from December to February the thermometer does not usually fall below +11-13°C, the flow of tourists at this time is minimal. Winter weather in Kotor for 5 days is often rainy (maximum precipitation falls in November-December), so it's not always possible to go sightseeing in Kotor.

Winter is the "low" season in Kotor, so many attractions (e.g. St. Luke's Church) are closed and there are few excursions.

A cloudy spring day on the coast of Kotor


Spring weather in Kotor for 3 days is favorable for hiking around the city and traveling through the forests. In March and April the air warms up to +15-18°C, in May - to +22°C and higher. The water temperature rises to +18°C, and the most impatient and "cold-resistant" tourists start the swimming season.

When is it cheaper to travel to Kotor?

Even in the "high season", which lasts from June to September, prices for holidays in Montenegro are lower than in other European countries by about 40%. Cheapest and fullest you can rest here in October, when the bathing season has come to an end, but many "summer" establishments are still working. The situation is similar in May, when Kotor prepares to welcome the crowds of "summer" tourists, and the tides bring warm sea water.

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