Weather in Oslo

We'll recommend the best time of year to travel to Oslo!

The climate in Oslo would not be so mild for these latitudes were it not for the high mountain ranges. If you look at Oslo's weather forecast for the year, you can see that all the seasons are pronounced.

You'll do well if you decide to come here in winter - it's a snowy paradise. Of course, be prepared for frost - in December and February the weather in Oslo for a week can be as cold as -5-6°C or as cold as -20-25°C.

Spring weather in Norway is very fickle. So, from March to May, the weather in Oslo for 14 days can promise both -15°C and +25°C. But if you're lucky enough to be here during a thaw, you'll catch some incredibly picturesque scenery.

Autumn in the city pleases with beautiful views in golden colors, but you will feel comfortable only if you have warm clothes. In September, October, and November, the weather in Oslo for 3 days is traditionally +11°C, +6°C, and +2°C, respectively. But minus values are also likely at this time.

As for summer, the weather in Oslo for 5 days in June-August is usually relatively warm and very comfortable with temperatures of +16-18°C. If you are lucky, during the day the thermometer in July-August can rise even to +25...+30°C. At this time, hardened Norwegians enjoy swimming in the sea, where the water warms up to +18°C.

Choosing the best time to visit Oslo depends on your preferences.

Oslo may not be a typical beach resort, but it offers various festivals and local events during the summer months. This is when most tourists choose to visit, typically from June to September.

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