
How much does a holiday in Poland cost

tripmydream has calculated how much a trip to Poland will cost.

The price of a holiday in Poland is difficult to answer definitively. After all, it all depends on the time you spend here, your needs and the type of holiday you want to take. In order to correctly calculate your budget for your trip, you need to take into account several factors. The cost of holidays in Poland does not vary much from season to season, so this aspect can be disregarded.

If you book a tour to Poland, the price usually includes transportation, accommodation, basic meals, and a set of excursions. However, if you prefer to plan your own itinerary, a week-long vacation in Poland will cost you approximately 2000 PLN to 2500 PLN.

The most expensive hotels are located in Warsaw, Krakow, and Poznan. On average, a night in a hostel will cost you around 55 PLN, while a decent hotel for two people will cost around 240 PLN.

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