
Public transportation in Alicante

The cheapest way to travel in Alicante is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation

Transportation in Alicante is represented by city buses and the light metro line (TRAM). Both modes of transportation allow you to move freely around the city and reduce the speed of travel.


The price of transportation in Alicante is the same for both metro and bus: a ticket bought from the driver costs 1.6 EUR. Tourists in Alicante are advised to buy a special transportation card, which will significantly reduce your costs.

Transportation in Alicante can help you get around the city and its surroundings if you check out the bus schedule and the TRAM card.

A cab is also a popular mode of transportation (as everywhere on the coast). An average trip around the city costs from 10 EUR.

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