
Weather in Alicante

When is the best time to go to Alicante? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Alicante is a wonderful place for those who love the hot sun. The air here is dry, rain is rare and spread out over the seasons. Temperatures stay around 30°C from mid-spring to early fall. The weather is not too changeable, so it is enough to study the weather forecast for Alicante once before traveling.

You can easily see the weather in Alicante for three days and five days on the website. You can also find out the weather in Alicante for a week and fourteen days.

alicante before the storm

When is it cheaper to go to Alicante?

So it's vacation time, you have lists of resorts and tourist spots in front of you. And you are trying to decide whether to go to Alicante? You should if you want to combine a beach vacation, walks in unusual places and all kinds of entertainment.

And if you love antiquities and old castles, you'll be sure to utter the words "I'm going to Alicante!".

Alicante in summer

When is the best time to go to Alicante? Taking into account the weather, the flow of tourists and prices, the best months for a vacation are June and September. This is the time when it is cheaper to go to Alicante: the "high season" has not yet come and prices in the city are moderate. So, if you want to have a great vacation and save money, the beginning of summer and fall is your choice in Alicante.

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