Фотогалерея ‒ Spain

Guide to Spain

Basic Information

What comes to mind when we hear about Spain? Probably it is the rousing rhythms of southern flamenco, the angry stomping of bullfighting hooves, colorful skirts and hot looks. And in the second place - clean beaches and luxury of Spanish resorts. And it is also an ancient country full of secrets and mysteries. It is them we offer to reveal to you, to learn about the country, to which you will surely want to go. Whatever you decide, whatever you want to learn, whether it is a beach vacation or a tour of ancient small towns - we will help you along the way.

Time zone
UTC+1 and UTC
45 779 000
504,645 km²

Dishes worth trying:

Solomillo en reducción de vino — sirloin stewed in wine will not leave indifferent most gourmets in the world.

Тortillas de camarones — shrimp pancakes

Gazpacho — the famous tomato soup with sweet peppers, onions and garlic

Turron — A sweet made of almonds, sugar, honey, sometimes with candied fruit, eggs, walnuts

Fritura malagueña — assortment of many varieties of fried sea fish

Things to do in Spain

If you want to get to know Spain better, you don't have to live here for a long time. It will be enough:

  • Come to the country's largest city and majestic capital Madrid
  • Enjoy Gaudi's architectural masterpieces in Barcelona
  • To visit Valencia, ancient as history itself
  • Visit a bullfight in Pamplona
  • And finally, get to know better the mores of Spain and taste the amazing cuisine in Andalusian Granada



It is unlikely that we will reveal for you all the secrets of this country. Even a list of the main sights of Spain would be huge. And if we take into account that literally every town in this country has something special, then a lot of discoveries are waiting for you. Historical, cultural, architectural treasures - every guest will find something different here. We will tell you about some of them, the most valuable and interesting.

Tours to Spain

Vacations to Spain are available all year round. If you are determined to visit this country, you just need to decide what kind of vacation is a priority for you.
Do you want to relax on European beaches in summer? The best of them are located in Spain. And it does not matter what coast you are used to lying on. Within the country there are both sandy coast of the Mediterranean Sea and rocky coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
In winter people buy vouchers to ski resorts here. On the spurs of the Pyrenees Mountains are equipped with excellent tracks for beginners and skiers with a serious set of skills. And not always expensive tours to Spain are offered. You can find quite cheap offers if you take a tour to a small and not very popular resort.
The off-season can be devoted to familiarizing yourself with the historical heritage of the country. At this time, agencies offer inexpensive sightseeing tours of Spanish cities, during which you can visit museums, castles, cathedrals, churches.
The highest price of such trips is set, of course, for the period of high season. For example, in summer you can travel to the Spanish coast for two weeks for an average of 700 EUR for two people. A trip to popular resorts, such as Ibiza, will cost at least 970 EUR.
Of course, you can always try your luck in search of hot deals. The tripmydream service will help you in this, where the best hot travel options from different tour operators are collected.

Where to go Spain?

Decide for yourself what you expect from a vacation in this country. For example, it can be to get to know the history, cities, resorts. You can also just relax at some sea resorts. There are enough spa resorts, mineral springs, medical centers and even ski resorts. Just choose the right region of Spain for you. The tripmydream resource will help you figure out where to go on vacation in Spain and book your airline ticket online.

When to go Spain

Spain has sea, mountains, ancient history, delicious Spanish national cuisine and many unusual traditions. It is a country of contradictions, where European culture collides with something completely southern, almost Asian. It is a country of passion and emotions. And every season in Spain has its own unique features. Depending on what you want, tripmydream will help you determine when to go on vacation in Spain.

Spain in spring

Spring in Spain is capricious, but full of blooms and sunny days. The rains gradually subside, and by mid-April you can even swim here, and even earlier on the islands. This is the beginning of the season and beach, sightseeing and festival. Although in Spain they last almost all year round.

Spain in summer

The peak season is in July. June is almost paradise. It is already hot, but still comfortable. You can sunbathe and swim, walk and wander. In July and August, more and more people fill the beaches with umbrellas and fewer want to stay outside, under the scorching rays of the sun.

Spain in fall

Like many southern countries, Spain experiences the velvet season in early fall. Here you can swim and sunbathe without fear of getting sunburned in the first minutes. There are no serious rains yet, maybe only in the north of the country. And it is already much more pleasant to spend time on excursions.

Spain in winter

Although Spain is a southern country and winters are warm, the country has its own ski resorts. The low season in Spain lasts from November to March, but this is the time when people come here to relax in the mountains. In addition, Christmas and New Year's Eve are revered holidays here.


In order to make your trip to Spain a quality and memorable one, tripmydream has collected quite a few useful tips and travel tidbits.

Visa to Spain

No visa needed for European citizens.

Customs & Tax Free

Alcohol, cigarettes and groceries - it's illegal to bring in and out of Spain, but what can you bring in? Learn the nuances of customs checks and Tax Free.

Travel by car

You can rent a car in Spain to travel around the country. On average, renting a car costs around 60-70 EUR per day.

Phrasebook for tourists

Danko not all Spaniards speak English. It is therefore worth learning some phrases in Spanish.

Public transport and prices

The most convenient way to get around Spain is by bus. Find out how you can save money on transportation in Spain.


If you want to time your trip to Spain to coincide with a holiday or interesting festival, check out our calendar of events.

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