Weather in Kalutara

When is the best time to travel to Kalutar? We tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the desired dates.

Many vacationers will find Kalutara's weather to be delightful. Even during the winter months, the weather forecast in Kalutara promises temperatures of 23°C or higher. Not to mention the peak season, when Kalutara's weather for 14 days or more can bring temperatures of up to +32°C. The coldest months in the resort are November to January, with Kalutara's weather keeping the thermometer at around +23°C for a week or more. This period is considered the best for a vacation in Kalutara, as the absence of heat and rain allows you to make the most of the resort.

In the spring months, Kalutara's weather for 5 days can reach temperatures as high as +32°C. Therefore, those who struggle with high heat and humidity should consider postponing their visit to the resort for another time. Additionally, during October and November, Kalutara's weather for 3 days or more is characterized by tropical showers and strong winds.

Kalutara in summer

When is the Most Affordable Time to Travel to Kalutara?

The period from October to April is the ideal time to prepare your bags and declare, "I'm heading to Kalutara!". During this time, you can enjoy the most pleasant beach vacation without the interruption of strong winds and rain. However, if you're not a fan of high temperatures, this might not be the best time to visit Kalutara, as the thermometer often rises above +30°C.

Kulutara beach in the rainy season

However, if you're seeking a more budget-friendly time to visit Kalutara, consider booking tickets for May to August. This marks the beginning of the rainy season in the resort, but the showers mostly occur at night and are brief. Yet, the strong winds during this period may not be conducive to leisurely beach activities. So, if your goal is to relax on the beach without interruptions, you might want to think twice about visiting Kalutara in the summer. On the flip side, if you're enthusiastic about water sports like surfing, this season is perfect for you. For those interested in sightseeing, the season you choose to visit the resort may not matter as much.

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