Weather in Unawatuna

When is the best time to travel to Unawatuna? We tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Unawatuna has a hot and humid climate. The sun is bright, and the temperature stays at around +30°C almost all year round. But, in any case, it's best to check the weather forecast for Unawatuna in advance. The tropics are finicky, and things can happen.


You can find out the weather in Unawatuna for 3 days and 5 days ahead online. If you are flying to Sri Lanka for a long period of time, check the weather in Unawatuna for a week and 14 days ahead, and nothing will mar your vacation. In addition, you can find out the details on the spot, so that you do not miss a storm or strong winds, or, on the contrary, catch the waves of the right height for surfing. In general, knowledge of the weather is important, and it is better not to lose sight of this moment. And take sunscreen with you! The sun is searing.

When is it cheaper to go to Unawatuna?

If you're questioning whether it's worth going to Unawatuna, just know that it's good here. With one of the best beaches in the world, good accommodation, a warm ocean, and reefs that protect the shore from storms, it's an attractive destination.


So you've said to yourself - I'm going to Unawatuna, I want to see Sri Lanka. And indeed, you'll find plenty to do there, with wonderful Buddhist temples, a beautiful coastline, and a warm welcome. If there is a question when it is better to go to Unawatuna, take into account the factor of the rainy season and the tourist peak. The hottest month in this region is April, while the coldest is December.

Be aware that the temperature difference between the two is about 4 degrees. If you are afraid of the cold at +28°C, then the cold time of Sri Lanka is clearly not for you. At night, of course, it is slightly cooler, by about 5-10°C. So just bring a sweater or a light jacket. You're unlikely to freeze at +25°C.

Beautiful view from the top of Unawatuna

The rainy season in Sri Lanka's southwest starts in May and ends in November. This is when it is significantly cheaper to travel to Unawatuna. The rains here are frequent but short-lived. And the ocean shore gets dirty due to algae. So it's safe to come here in winter. And the heat is a little lower, and there is no rain. And in the north-east of the country it is better to go in summer.

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