How much does it cost to stay in St. Moritz

We can help you calculate an estimated budget for your trip to St. Moritz.

In St. Moritz, you won't find budget accommodations with poor service. However, many visitors consider Badrutt's Palace Hotel to be the best in the area. Staying at a hotel of this caliber in St. Moritz can cost around 5,000 CHF per night, attracting many who aspire to experience it at least once.

Overall, accommodation prices in St. Moritz are renowned for their high costs, making it the second most expensive winter resort in the world. If you're wondering about the cost of staying in St. Moritz, even the most economical hotels will charge approximately 370 CHF per night.

The resort predominantly features 5 or 4-star hotels, where nightly rates can go up to 3,500 CHF. Even the more budget-friendly options in St. Moritz come at a significantly higher price compared to similar ski resorts, but they offer exceptional service, attentiveness, and comfort.

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