
How much does a holiday in Istanbul cost?

We have calculated the minimum price for a vacation in Istanbul.

Prices for holidays in Istanbul

Let's try to calculate the minimum price for a vacation in Istanbul excluding airfare, as the ticket prices vary depending on the departure location.

The cheapest option for accommodation iis a hostel bed. In a dormitory room for 8-12 people, it typically costs around 6 EUR, while for 4 people it can be around 15 EUR. However, if your plans include a vacation for two in Istanbul with your loved one, you would need a hotel room. Expect prices starting from around 25 EUR for a 3-star hotel.

Istanbul view from above

Prices in transport

A single trip on public transport costs 2.3 TRY. ou can also purchase a transit pass or choose to walk.

To save on food expenses, consider trying street food stalls instead of dining at restaurants. Many hotels and hostels include breakfast in their rates. For lunch and dinner, you can enjoy affordable meals at kebab shops and lokantas (local cafes). Turkish shawarma typically costs around 3.5 TRY, while self-service restaurants and fast-food places offer to fill multi-dish lunches for approximately 12-14 TRY.

Read the reviews about the rest in Istanbul on the forums: they will definitely suggest several good places where the food is tasty, satisfying and inexpensive.

Visiting the city's attractions will also be a significant part of your expenses. Tickets range from 3 to 30 TRY, depending on the specific attractions you plan to visit. Additionally, don't forget to allocate some budget for entertainment.

Now, grab your calculator and count.

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