Weather in Abu Dhabi

The climate here is desert tropical with high humidity. If you look at the weather of Abu Dhabi for 14 days in summer, you will see that on rare days it gets cooler than +35 ° C.

The capital of OAE is the country's greenest city thanks to a large amount of imported soil, so if you compare Abu Dhabi's weather for a week with neighboring regions, you'll see that it's still a bit cooler.

You'll probably like the Abu Dhabi weather forecast best from October to May, when rainfall is at a minimum and water temperatures can reach +25°C.

In any case, whenever you plan a trip, the weather in Abu Dhabi for 5 days will show high water and air temperatures. In April-September, be sure to take sunscreen with you, even if you go to the city for a short time and you will be interested in the weather in Abu Dhabi for no more than 3 days.

When is the best time to go to Abu Dhabi?

So, should you go to Abu Dhabi in summer? Hardly, even if you're a big fan of the heat. But if you've been to Dubai, for example, during the hottest season and felt comfortable there, you can take a risk and tell your friends, "Go extreme, I'm going to Abu Dhabi in summer!". However, there are hardly many of our compatriots who can feel good in one of the hottest cities in the world.

In contrast, the winter months are relatively cool. Compared to Dubai, Abu Dhabi is slightly hotter in summer and colder in winter.

When is it cheaper to go to Abu Dhabi? In the very 'off season' - very hot August and cool January.

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