Mark the most interesting tourist areas on a map of Buenos Aires for yourself:
- multifaceted Palermo;
- elite Puerto Madero
Mark the most interesting tourist areas on a map of Buenos Aires for yourself:
The most expensive hotelsin the capital are located in San Martin Square. When deciding in which neighborhood of Buenos Aires to stay, pay attention to the respectable northern and northeastern neighborhoods (Palermo, Recoleta, Belgrano).
In the south, socio-economic conditions leave much to be desired. Nevertheless, when listing the best neighborhoods to live in Buenos Aires, you'll find Puerto Madero and Baracas in the south, where the infrastructure has improved significantly in recent years.
There is a wide range of hotels in the Retiro district. And if you're looking for a place to spend your money, you'll want to head to San Nicolás, aka Microcentro, the business center of the capital.
Do not wander into the dangerous areas of Buenos Aires - the Villas slums, illegal settlements that are adjacent to the prestigious neighborhoods. If you are very interested in observing life in such settlements, look for a guide - there are offers for extreme excursions accompanied by police officers (the cost of the excursion is 867 ARS per person).