Restaurants and cafes in Buenos Aires

We will help you choose the best institution in the city.

For those who are ready to splurge, we recommend checking out the fashionable La Parolaccia, La Estancia, Ravello, La Caballeriza, Eh! Santino, Bar 6 or the more affordable El Prossiutt, Cabaña, El Palacio De La Papa Frita - these are the most famous restaurants in Buenos Aires that have earned the most flattering reviews. Here you can get gastronomic pleasure from the food and aesthetic - from the design of the room. The staff is usually polite and prompt.

Approximate prices in Buenos Aires restaurants: exclusive establishments with designer cuisine offer dishes from 500-800 ARS and more expensive. Inexpensive restaurants in Buenos Aires provide a good meal for two for 200-300 ARS.

If you wish, you can find not only Argentine, but also Latin American (I Latina), Italian (Maria Fedele), French (La Bourgogne, Le Sud), Asian (Cocina Sunae).

Take time to visit Buenos Aires's historic, aka intellectual, cafes, which, however, have higher prices than the usual establishments. There are two such cafes in the city - Café Tortoni and Café La Biela - they are more than 150 years old! Café Tortoni, once frequented by Einstein and King Juan Carlos of Spain, even has a tango room.

What to do if the budget is extremely limited? There are two options: cook yourself (you can buy food in chain supermarkets Dia, Carrefour, Disco, Jumbo and local markets) or eat in buffets. A hearty breakfast here costs 80 ARS.

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