
Cheap car rental in Paphos

If you want to feel free on vacation and drive around the neighborhoods of Paphos, rent a car.

Taking a car rental service in Paphos and driving around Cyprus is a great idea... Unless, of course, you're afraid of left-hand traffic.

The 24-hour car rental in Paphos under the signs ενοικίαση αυτοκινήτων, rent a car are offered by international companies Avis, Sixt, Auto Europe, Hertz, national renters Paphos Car Hire Cyprus, Privilegerentacar. The average price of car rental in Paphos is from 35 EUR per day.

The features of cheap car rental in Paphos: to rent a vehicle, the driver must be at least 25 years old and have a driving experience of three years (in some cases, it is possible to rent a car to "young drivers" with the appropriate premium "for risk").

Passport, driver's license (a national "plastic" is enough, but MVU is recommended), credit card with 200-300 EUR frozen on it should be submitted to the rental center.

It is forbidden to drive a rented vehicle between the Greek and Turkish parts of the island.

Traffic rules in Paphos do not differ much from European rules. Among the taboos for travelers are smoking even in a private car in the presence of children under 16, talking on the phone without hands-free devices, eating and drinking while driving (the fine for all violations is about 85 EUR), etc. The speed limit is 50 km/h for populated areas and 100 km/h on the highway.

Parking in Cyprus is allowed only in the direction of traffic. This rule is enforced around the clock (fine for non-compliance - 85 EUR). Parking is also prohibited around the double yellow line (with single yellow lines, fast unloading/loading is possible).

In the central areas of the city, parking costs 0.4-0.6 EUR on weekdays, and parking is free for disabled people. Parking machines are marked with brightly colored "Pay Here" signs. Payment receipts should be placed on the windshield. On weekends and holidays, most municipal parking lots are absolutely free for travelers. This is why renting a car in Paphos without a deposit is a favorable solution for most tourists.

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