Paphos weather

When is the best time to go to Paphos? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


"The high season" in Paphos lasts from mid-June to early September. The weather in Paphos at this time - perfect: the sun shines up to 12 hours a day, warming the beach and sea to +27 ° C. The average air temperature during this period is +30°C. Breezes help to easily bear the heat, but keep an eye on the weather forecasts in Paphos for 3 days, weather reports in Paphos for a week should be careful: from time to time the resort "collapse" heat waves from the desert Sahara, which stir up humidity up to 85%. Siestas are a must!


In the velvet season, from mid-September to late October (sometimes mid-November), Paphos has fewer people and more beach space... Weather forecasts in Paphos promise air temperatures of +24-27°C and water temperatures of +22-25°C. Rain and thunderstorm fronts come to the region towards the end of November. The number of cloudless days for the month decreases from 29-30 to 21-22.

The city of Paphos in the fall


Winter in Paphos is the "low season", when the resort sinks into peace and quiet. In December-January weather forecasts in Paphos for 14 days "predict" rains and winds, so most tourists avoid visiting Cyprus. And for nothing!

The weather in Paphos, even for 5 days, is difficult to predict: often cool stormy nights are replaced by warm winter days with clear sunshine, ideal for walking in the many natural parks. In winter, Paphos offers a completely different kind of vacation, with exciting ski-tours to Mount Olympus and carnivals in February.

It's also worth traveling to Paphos in winter because the local hotel chains reduce prices by up to 70%.


Spring in Cyprus is early and short, with Paphos residents welcoming summer as early as April, with gentle sunshine warming the air to +22-24°C and the sea water to +18-21°C. If you wanted to know when it's cheaper to go on a beach vacation in Paphos, the answer is in spring.

This is when tourists can take part in the Anthestiria Festival and the famous Paphos Marathon.

So when you decide "I'm going to Paphos!", rest assured that visiting this resort at any time of year will be the best vacation of your life.

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