Weather in Punta Cana

When is the best time to travel to Punta Cana? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Before you go to the resort, it is advisable to check what the weather will be like in Punta Cana. Don't worry though, the weather forecast in Punta Cana is comfortable for even the most heat-loving tourists almost all year round. The air temperature on average stays at +30°C. The most popular months for vacation are winter months. At this time, the weather in Punta Cana for a week spoils the air and sea temperature at around +25-28°C.

The rainy season in the resort begins in May and lasts until July. At this time, the weather in Punta Cana for 14 days or more is full of short but very heavy rains. In general, from May to October the weather in Punta Cana for 5 days or more is characterized by heat up to +35°C.

From fall, the island suffers from hurricanes, but they come from the West, so when they reach the Dominican Republic proper, they weaken considerably. From November to March, the weather in Punta Cana for 3 days is characterized by relatively cool temperatures of around +20°C.

good weather in Punta Cana

When is it cheaper to go to Punta Cana

When is the best time to go to Punta Cana has one simple solution - always! The resort has excellent warm weather all year round, which beckons tourists from all over the globe. Although Americans and Canadians are in the majority.

Many people wonder whether it's worth traveling to Punta Cana from May to July, when the resort's rainy season begins. But the flat terrain means that rain clouds don't stay here for long. Even in this season, the rains are brief, though very heavy.

Punta Cana rainy, hurricane season

So it's hard to say when it's cheaper to travel to Punta Cana, the resort is popular practically all year round. The flow of vacationers wanes slightly only from December to March. But even if you go during this period, saying "I'm going to Punta Cana!" will still make your friends and acquaintances slightly jealous.

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