How much does it cost to live in Les Arcs

We can help you calculate an estimated budget for your trip to Les Arcs.

When planning a trip to Les Arcs, you should take care not only about renting equipment, but also about accommodation. The minimum cost of accommodation in Les Arcs starts from 70 EUR per day. For this amount you can rent an apartment or an apartment.

It is worth taking into account the fact that living in Les Arcs, and the prices of accommodation will depend not only on their type and class, season of occupancy, but also on the location. For example, the cheapest double room in Hotel du Golf for one day will cost about 120 EUR. The same room in low season will cost about 90 EUR per day.

The largest number of hotels and chalets are located in the region of Arc 1800. If you prefer to live in Les Arcs inexpensively, it is better to settle closer to the foot of the mountains. For those who want to know more specific figures of how much it costs to live in Les Arcs, it is quite difficult to provide them. It all depends on how much money you are willing to spend on housing. Apartments and mid-range hotel rooms are considered the most popular. The cost of living in them varies from 140 EUR to 270 EUR per night.

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