How do I get from the airport to Saint-Malo?

If you are going to drive to Saint-Malo on your own, research all possible routes from the nearest airport to the tourist center of the city.

From Charles de Gaulle Airport to the center of Paris you can take the RER electric train, buses and cabs. You should find out in advance where the stops are located. The fastest and most convenient mode of transportation is the train. The station is located near terminals 3/Roissypôle and 2. And the desired terminal can be reached by free shuttle buses CDGVal, which run every seven minutes. The train interval to Paris is every 12 minutes from 4:56 to 23:40 hours. The trip to the city center takes about half an hour, the fare is up to 10 EUR.

And the fastest way to get to Saint-Malo from the capital is by high-speed train, which regularly departs from Montparnasse station. The TGV high-speed rail line connects Saint-Malo with Paris. The train travels 450 kilometers in 3 hours. The fare is 60-65 EUR per person one way. The train station is located behind the fortress walls of Saint-Malo.

It will be comfortable to get to the city and by car. Having rented a car, it is necessary to move along the regional highway RN 137. Note that part of the roads on the way will be municipal (free, but with a speed limit not exceeding 90 km / h), part - paid (with a speed limit of 130 km / h).

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