Accommodation prices in Borjomi
Everything depends on the chosen place, but the level of prices does not always determine the star rating of the establishment. For example, in apartments, sometimes the prices for accommodation in Borjomi are higher than in the rooms of the five-star Rixos Borjomi, where the cost per night starts from 132 USD.
The cost of accommodation in four and three-star hotels in Borjomi is also not always determined unequivocally. For instance, in the four-star Natali Hotel, rooms are offered from 121 USD per night, while in the Borjomi Palace Hotel and Spa of the same star rating, it starts from 71 USD.
And in the three-star Likani Palace, you can stay for 46 USD. To find affordable accommodation in Borjomi, you can search for other unrated hotels, guesthouses, or apartments. However, they sometimes offer prices on par with starred hotels.